Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Around the World Singing Time

Supplies Needed:

*Two white poster boards

*Permanent marker or marker


*Nephi Costume (mine is extremely homemade and wonky!  You can use a Christmas nativity costume.)

*Someone to play the role of Nephi 

*Nephi Script below (PDF): 

*You can find my visuals for Nephi's Courage here.


1.  It was 2020 last time we studied the Book of Mormon for Come Follow Me.  I gave him a very homemade Nephi costume and a short script that I told him does not need to be memorized or perfect.  The script is to introduce Nephi and goes along with the song "Nephi's Courage". 

(The children recognized "Nephi" because he was in my ward at the time.  I asked him because everyone talked about how he looked like the guy that played Nephi on the Book of Mormon movies.  He really did look like him!  This time around I have had a harder time following someone that looks like the Nephi from the Book of Mormon movies.  I did find someone to play Nephi this coming week that the children will not know, so it might go even better than last time.)

2.  I cut two white posters in half.  Then I put one line of the first verse onto each of the poster boards.  I printed out a visual to go along with each line.  In the picture below I used a paper plate.  I like to use visuals that make it easy for the children to remember the words.

Before Primary Starts:
Tape one poster and the visual that goes along with it on each wall of the primary room.  One poster and visual per wall. 

Nephi's Courage Song and Activity:
After "Nephi" introduces himself and tells the children a little about himself, have him open the floor to the children to ask him questions.  Then introduce the song "Nephi's Courage":

1.  Ask the children what makes Nephi a hero.  We are going to be introducing a Book of Mormon hero every month.  This month's hero is Nephi.

2.  Teach the children the chorus and the actions that go along with the chorus.  You can watch this video to learn the actions to the chorus.  I only want to teach the children actions to the chorus and not to the verses.

3.  Go to each wall one at a time and teach the lines to the song.

4.  Start singing the song facing the poster with the first line of the song on it.  Jump or turn to the wall with the poster with the second line on it.  The last line should be facing the front of the primary room so that the children will be facing the front when they do the actions to the chorus.

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