Saturday, August 26, 2023

Ward Primary Chorister Calling

I have once again been called to be the primary chorister in my ward. The first time I was called to be Primary Chorister was when I had only been married for six months. I was sooo nervous. I would not look at anyone in the eyes, and I had pit sweat stains by the time primary was over. It is now my very favorite calling! I have been called as Primary Chorister on-and-off for the past 23 years. I was just Primary Chorister in my last ward which we moved from in 2021.
Elliot Groves Ward primary was amazing and they did fabulous in the primary programs. I miss those sweet children! We moved one mile away and are now in a different stake and ward. There is always an adjustment when I first start out with a new primary. I look forward to getting to know the children in our new ward!

Primary Chorister is my favorite calling. However, I seem to always be called to be the chorister right before a primary program. I was once called to be the primary chorister two weeks before the primary program. It was quite embarrassing standing up in front of everyone as the children mumbled through the songs. I am looking forward to starting fresh after the primary program. Since I am just trying to cram the songs down the children's throats at this point, I will be posting past activities that I have done on my primary chorister Facebook page, Kate's Primary Page . I will start a primary chorister blog again to keep track of the ideas I come up with or activities that the children have enjoyed. Wish me luck!

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Jesus (or the Holy Ghost) Can Be Your Shadow

This has always been one of my favorite activities/lessons in primary.  It is visual so the children get the concept easily about Christ and...