Is the soldier protected from an attack?
What does the soldier need to protect himself? (armor)
We can have armor to protect us against Satan. It is called the Armor of God.
A. Put the sword in the soldier’s hand.
B. A sword is an item that was used for defense against attack. When we are spiritually attacked, we need what is called “THE SWORD OF TRUTH”.
C. The SWORD OF TRUTH represents the word of God. The words of truth found in the scriptures help us have a defense against Satan’s attack because knowing truth helps us recognize Satan’s deceptions.
D. The first line of the second verse is – “I’ll find the sword of truth in each scripture that I learn.” (Put the visual on the board and sing the line)
2. The next line of the verse is – “I’ll take the shield of faith from these pages that I turn.” (Put the visual on the board and the shield in the soldier’s hand.)
A. This is the SHIELD OF FAITH. As we obey the words found in the scriptures, we see the good results, and we gain faith and trust in God’s words. Our faith is like a shield that protects us against temptation. (Sing the line)
3. The next line of the verse is – “I’ll wear each vital part of the armor of the Lord.” (Tell the children about each of the rest of the armor parts that are left and put them on the soldier. Put the rest of the visuals to the song up.)
A. With the armor of God, we are prepared to fight against the temptations of Satan and win!
B. (Sing “I’ll wear each vital part of the armor of the Lord, and fight my daily battles and win a great reward.”)
4. Sing through the entire song.
5. Teach the children the combat moves.
6. Make sure you give the children direction on
behavior before they are able to get their paper sword from under their
chairs. I told my primary, “I brought a
paper sword for each of you. Do not get
it out from under your chair until I say to get it. We first need to go over expectations. The expectations are that you may not touch
anyone with your own body or your sword.
You may only do the combat moves when we are singing the songs. You may only do the combat moves with
me. There will be no other combat moves
allowed. When we are not singing, you
may sit reverently in your chair with your paper sword placed nicely in your